During the Invisalign process, it’s important to maintain your aligners to prevent many problems. Patients who do not properly care for their aligners can experience aligner damage and face an increased risk of problems like dental and gum infections. If you are interested in Invisalign or are currently undergoing Invisalign treatment and need tips, we can help. We’re your one-stop shop for cosmetic dentistry in Leola, PA.
Invisalign Care From Your Cosmetic Dentist in Leola, PA
Follow these tips to ensure you properly care for your aligners during treatment:
Remove the Aligners When Eating and Drinking
Eating and drinking with Invisalign on your teeth can damage and stain your aligners. Invisalign aligners are removable, so you can remove them from your teeth when eating or drinking anything other than cold water. When you remove your Invisalign aligners, you can place them in their case so you do not misplace or drop them.
Brush and Floss Before Placing Your Aligners
Don’t forget to clean your smile before you place your aligners back on your teeth. You can floss between your teeth and brush your teeth and gums before placing your Invisalign aligners back on. Unlike with metal braces, you do not have to brush or floss around brackets or wires.
Clean Your Invisalign Aligners
Cleaning your Invisalign aligners will prevent bacterial buildup or staining in your aligners. There are multiple methods you can use to clean your aligners. Invisalign has Invisalign crystals, which are cleaning crystals that dissolve in water. Soaking the aligners in dissolvable Invisalign crystals will help remove bacteria from the aligners.
You may also use a soft-bristled toothbrush and soap to clean your aligners. Remember to use cool or lukewarm water when cleaning your aligners because hot water can warp the plastic.
Contact Us If Your Invisalign Aligners are Damaged or Lost
Don’t worry if you damage, break, or lose your aligners. Call our office, and we will work with you to create a replacement. It’s important to contact us as soon as possible to prevent further delays in your care. We want you to stay on track with your Invisalign treatment.
Visit the Dentist Regularly
We recommend that you visit our office regularly so we can keep track of your Invisalign treatment. While you may not need as many visits as you would if you had metal braces, ensuring that your teeth and gums are healthy during treatment is still important.
Do you need more tips to care for your aligners? Call Dr. Sara Gotwalt today at 717-627-6980 or request a dental appointment with Dr. Gotwalt online. Let us know if you have questions about your Invisalign treatment; we’re here to help.